Getting Started with Verve

Workspace Overview #

Navigation Links #

Much of the management can be done from the dashboard itself, but you can also jump into a sub-area if you need a deeper dive and a larger space to work in. At the top of your dashboard, you will find navigation links to each of the sub-areas of your Verve workspace:

  • Projects
  • Sprints
  • Tasks
  • Sticky Notes
  • Tags

Dashboard #

The dashboard includes views of each of your key areas:

Sticky Note Wall #

The Sticky Note Wall surfaces your active sticky notes by tag. Archive sticky notes that are no longer needed. Toggle views to see Active or Archived sticky notes.

Projects #

Projects represent work that involves multiple steps or stages to complete. Projects may relate to tasks. Projects are broken out on your dashboard by size (large or small). Large projects may take stages to complete. Small projects may be simpler and not require stages.

The percentage completed progress bar is calculated based on the current date matched against the project start and end dates.

Sprints #

Sprints represent organized collections of planned work (tasks) to be completed during a specific timeframe (for example, every two weeks). Link tasks to sprints to plan for the weeks ahead. Each sprint may have a unique name and cover image for quick identification. Sprint cards display the sprint date range, a progress bar showing task completion, and the number of completed tasks against the total number of tasks.

Tasks #

Tasks are things to do and may relate to Projects and Sprints. Tasks are added to the backlog by default. Associate tasks with a Sprint to plan your workload for the weeks ahead.

Completed tasks drop from the task list on the dashboard.

Getting Started #

Creating new tags #

Tags are managed from a single master tag database. Several common and useful tags have already been created for you. To add new tags to the master tag database:

  1. Click on the “Tags” page link in the navigation section of the dashboard
  2. Click the blue “New” button to create a new tag
  3. Enter the tag name and optionally add a visual icon

Once the tag has been added to the database, it may be associated with tasks. A visual display will show a breakdown of the tag usage. Most used tags will float to the top of the tag wall. You can view any tasks that are associated with a tag by clicking to open the tag. An aggregated list of associated tasks will display in the body of the tag page.

Creating a New Project #

New projects can be added from either the dashboard “Projects” area or the “Projects” subpage.

  1. Click the blue “New” button
  2. Enter the project name
  3. In the “Project Size” field, select the size of the project (full project or mini project)
  4. In the “Status” field, enter the current status of the project
  5. In the “Phase” field, enter the current phase of the project:
    1. Initiation
    2. Planning
    3. Execution
    4. Monitoring
    5. Close Out
  6. Enter the expected start and end dates for the project (note that the percentage completed progress bar is calculated based on the current date matched against the project start and end dates)
  7. Optionally, set additional associations with tasks

Views of associated tasks will display in the body of the project page. Pro tip – adding task records from within the project page will automatically associate them with the parent project.

Adding Sprints #

New sprints can be added from either the dashboard “Sprints” area or the “Sprints” subpage.

  1. Within the first column labeled “Sprint 1”, click to edit the existing sprint card
  2. Enter a unique name for the sprint
  3. Enter the start and end dates for the sprint period
  4. Assign the numeric ID for the sprint (in this case “1”, since it is the first sprint)
  5. Optionally, upload an image to represent the sprint
  6. Close the sprint card
  7. Repeat for Sprint 2, Sprint 3, etc

Active tasks associated with the sprint along with a swimlane status view will load in the body of the sprint page. Note – for those familiar with agile terminology, typically “user stories” quantify the work that needs to be done within a sprint. For ease of use and to reduce the number of unnecessary records we create in the Cubicle system, we eliminate the “user stories” middleman and directly assign tasks to sprints instead.

The sprint card will display tasks completed / total tasks, and a progress bar showing overall task completion for the sprint.

Managing Tasks #
Creating a new task #

Tasks are grouped together by the parent project in both the task list and on the status board. Tasks can be added by clicking “New” within the task area of the dashboard, or they can be added directly onto the task status board by clicking “New” within the appropriate swim lane. Tasks that are not added directly to a status lane are added to the backlog by default.

  1. Click the “New” hyperlink or the blue “New” button within the tasks area
  2. Enter the name of the task
  3. Optionally, enter task meta such as description, due date, or priority
  4. Optionally, you may enter an External Reference ID to match this task to a third-party ticket or task management system
  5. Optionally, set associations to Projects, Meetings, People, Tags, and Sprints
  6. Optionally, set a task reminder to notify you on a specific date
Working tasks #

Drag and drop tasks into the appropriate swim lane to manage the status.

Completing tasks #

Tasks are marked as complete by clicking the “Done” checkbox on the task. Completed tasks will drop off the active task list and status board. You may drag and drop tasks on the status board into the “Completed” column, and they will stay visible on the board until the “Done” checkbox is clicked. This was designed intentionally so that you have visibility over completed tasks until you no longer need to see them. A message will display on completed tasks to remind you to mark tasks as “Done”.

Planning sprints #

By default, the task status board displays tasks for the current sprint. To plan for future sprints, create additional views for your future sprints.

  1. Select the view for “Backlog” in the task list beside the task status board
  2. Select the view for the future sprint in the task status board
  3. Drag tasks from the backlog and drop them into the “Pending” swimlane for the future sprint
  4. Continue until all tasks that are planned to be worked in the sprint have been added to the sprint


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