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Getting Started with Passepartout

The Travel Manager is a module that allows you to plan for and keep historical record of your travels. This documentation is for the standalone version of the Passepartout Travel Manager. Documentation for the Sidekick system’s fully integrated version of the Travel Manager is included in the Sidekick Knowledge Base.

Adding Destinations (Bucket List) #

Destinations are locations that you want to travel to. Destinations can be regions or even specific cities. Destinations that are added without a corresponding travel trip will automatically be added to your Bucket List.

  1. Click on the “Destinations” link in the navigation section of the dashboard
  2. Click “New” in the table to add a new row
  3. Enter the name of the destination
  4. Search for and select the country and the continent that the destination belongs to
  5. Optionally, enter a US state
  6. Optionally, enter a full address OR latitude and longitude for the location (this will add the destination to a dynamic map)
  7. If this is a location that you’ve visited in the past, manually add the number of times that you’ve visited into the “Manual Add” property. This will move the destination from your bucket list to your places visited list

Adding a Dynamic Map #

Destinations can be added to a dynamic map using the third party tool Notion Maps offer users one free map that can be embedded into your Travel Manager dashboard or other location in Notion. To create your own map:

  1. Create an account at and sign in
  2. On the Permissions screen, choose “Select Pages”
  3. Search for and select the “Travel Manager” Notion page
  4. Select “Allow Access”
  5. Click the option to “Create a new map”
  6. In the database select field, select the “Travel Manager.Destinations” database
  7. Choose a new name for your map (i.e. “Places”)
  8. Select if you want the map to load by address or by coordinates
  9. Choose the corresponding columns of the database that match your selection from the previous step
  10. Click the button to “Create my map”
  11. Copy the “Unique Map Address” into your clipboard
  12. Paste the “Unique Map Address” as an embed into the place in Notion where you want the map to appear. Tip – you can paste this into multiple locations!
  13. Adjust the width and height to match your viewing preference

Creating Packing Lists by Trip Type #

When you plan a trip, you are able to select the type of trip to load your packing list automatically. If this is the first time using the Travel Manager, you will want to build your trip types and default packing lists. Some example items have been pre-loaded for you. Add more to complete this list.

  1. Click on the “Planning” link in the navigation section of the dashboard
  2. Click to open the “Packing Wizard” page link
  3. Navigate to the “Trip Types” section of the page
  4. Click “New” to create a new trip type using the “New Trip Type” default template
  5. Name the trip type
  6. Continue creating additional trip types for all of the types of trips that you may take (for example, “International”, “Weekend”, “Road Trip”, “RV Camping”)
  7. Navigate to the “All Items” section of the page
  8. Enter your own packing items and associate each item with the applicable trip types to complete the list

Planning a Trip #

Creating a New Trip #
  1. Click on the “Trips” link in the navigation section of the dashboard
  2. Click “New” to create a new trip using the “New Trip” default template
  3. Give your trip a name
  4. Optionally, choose an icon and upload a cover photo
  5. If this is the next trip that you have planned, tick the “Current Trip” checkbox to load this trip onto your planning dashboard
  6. In the “Trip Type” property, search for and select the type of trip that this is (this will dynamically load your packing list)
  7. In the “Trip Dates” property, select the starting and ending dates for the trip
  8. In the “Destinations” property, search for and select the destinations that you will visit on your trip
  9. In the “Trip Budget” property, enter your total budget for the trip (Daily Budget will automatically be calculated for you based on the length of the trip)
Planning Your Itinerary #

Plan out your entire trip in advance and track the details, including:

  • Flight
  • Accommodations
  • Meals
  • Reservations
  • Schedule
  1. From the dashboard, click to open the “Current Trip” card
  2. Navigate to the “Trip Itinerary” section of the page
  3. Click “New” to add a new itinerary using the “New Itinerary” default template
  4. Give the itinerary a name
  5. Choose a “Type” from the select options list
  6. In the “From (Local Timezone)” property, enter the date and time when the itinerary item begins. Choose the local timezone for this date and time
  7. In the “To (Local Timezone)” property, enter the date and time for when the itinerary item ends. Choose the local timezone for this date and time
  8. Optionally, enter additional information about the itinerary, such as reservation number and notes

When entering the itinerary directly from within the trip, the itinerary will automatically be associated with the trip.

Managing Tasks #

Travel tasks will display on your Travel Manager dashboard for active trips, and are also available to manage from within the relevant trip.

  1. From the dashboard, click to open the “Current Trip” card
  2. Navigate to the “Trip Planning” → “Tasks” section of the page
  3. Click “New” to add a new task using the “New Task” default template
  4. Enter the task information

When entering the task directly from within the trip, the task will automatically be associated with the trip.

Managing Resources #

Travel resources will display on your Travel Manager dashboard for active trips, and are also available to manage from within the relevant trip.

  1. From the dashboard, click to open the “Current Trip” card
  2. Navigate to the “Trip Planning” → “Resources” section of the page
  3. Click “New” to add a new resource using the “New Resource” default template
  4. Enter the resource information

When entering a resource directly from within the trip, the resource will automatically be associated with the trip.

Packing #

Once you have selected a Trip Type and marked the trip as the “Current Trip”, your packing list will dynamically load into the “Packing Wizard” section of the planning dashboard. Tick off items as they are packed.

During Your Trip #

The Travel Manager dashboard loads in management tools for your current trip. Make sure that the “Current Trip” checkbox is ticked for your active trip. View your trip tasks, resources, packing list, itinerary, budget, and journal for the current trip on the Travel Manager dashboard.

Managing Expenses #
  1. From the dashboard, click to open the “Current Trip” card
  2. Navigate to the “Trip Expenses” section of the page
  3. Click “New” to add a new expense using the “New Expense” default template
  4. Enter the expense information

When entering the expense directly from within the trip, the expense will automatically be associated with the trip. If you’ve given your trip a budget, the remaining amount will be automatically calculated and display on the current trip card front.

Journaling #

Keep a historical log of your trip so that you can relive it on a later date!

  1. From the dashboard, click to open the “Current Trip” card
  2. Navigate to the “Journal” section of the page
  3. Click “New” to add a new journal entry using the “New Travel Journal Entry” default template
  4. Give the journal entry a title
  5. Select the date for the journal entry
  6. Optionally, change the icon, add photos, and map link

Create new travel journaling templates to match your preferences.


After Your Trip #

There are a couple of tasks to complete after your trip is over to ready the Travel Planner for future trip planning.

“Unpacking” #

Just as you physically need to unpack after a trip, you’ll need to reset your Packing Wizard by virtually unpacking.

  1. Change the database view from “To Pack” to “Packed
  2. Highlight all of the packed items
  3. Right-click and select “Edit Property” → “Packed” to uncheck all of the items
Archiving #

Untick the “Current Trip” checkbox from within the trip to archive it. This will reset the planning dashboard to be ready for future trip planning.

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