Sprocket – Budget & Personal Finance Manager Automation-based system to manage your budget, spending, and financial goals Description: Sprocket will help you to create...
Nook Reading Studio – Bookshelf Management for Serious Readers Personal library management with reading insights Features: Designed for light or dark mode Easily add...
The Happy Kitchen PLUS – Advanced Meal Planning & Dynamic Grocery List System Notion meal planning, recipe management, and automated grocery list system for...
Total Recall – Dynamic Spaced Repetition Learning Achieve total recall through spaced repetition Description: Memory science has shown that the “curve of forgetting” is...
Analog – Bullet Journaling System for Notion Analog-look bullet journaling Description: Designed for those who like the analog look of a Bullet Journal. This...
Wallet – Budget and Personal Finance Manager Manage your budgets, financial goals, and monthly spending Description: Bring your spending under control by creating a...
Create Lab – Production System for Content Creators Content production and publishing system for creators Description: This powerful yet intuitive framework is designed for creators...
Body Lab – Nutrition & Fitness Management System Nutrition and fitness management system Description: Introducing a fully integrated and dynamic system for managing your...
The Happy Kitchen – Meal Planning & Dynamic Grocery List System Notion meal planning, recipe management, and automated grocery list system Description: Introducing a...
Writer – Minimalist Distraction-Free Writing Workspace Distraction-free writing Description: A story-writing workspace that is clean and distraction-free, where the words on the page are...